Did you ever notice that you create your own fears? There’s a reason for that. When you have a fear you put it out like a transmission from your body and it syncs up with similar energies in the world. These energies exist aside from the physical space, so that’s what it means when they say you can’t escape your Demons.
If you transmit love and strength you will attract more of that. It’s a state of being. When you’re in one state, fear, one thing happens. When you exist in a state of total harmony with yourself and infinity, you get another set of experiences. That’s how it works. It makes all these positive and negative things line up in your life. Follow the positive ones. The ones you like. Fear is always an illusion.
The game for the forces that want to control you is to put you into their energy, where they live. And they live in fear, where the bad stuff happens, the wars and the death. They are terrified you will wake up and figure out you’re being manipulated by the Television and by schools and books and films that teach your friends to tell you they know what’s going on because they saw it on the news. Funny how in all these versions of events it’s the people that put out the information that are always on the side of right. And they have a god given right to rule over you, and inflict any law on you they want. They have brought you, by hypnosis, into a world, a state of being, where they call the shots.
But don’t worry, because you do.
In fact you’re in control of the entire thing.