For Meria Heller
determined, witty, indefatigable.
From the break of day. We’ll continue that theme as we fly through space. And the noise, never ending, never there, never what you thought it was. Drowned out by the engines if you let them, but no more hidden in Artemis’ thoughts.
The body didn’t work the same free from the electromagnetic waves of the planets. The TV stations and radio signals and people talking, talking, talking took the body’s receiver systems and blocked them up so tight it could paralyze its connection to the infinite universe. But out there, the music of the stars and the drifts of planets sung, the choral sounds of the cosmos played through his consciousness. Highs and lows and so beautiful. The engines faded into the hum of all other existence as he connected to the Source and felt part of it all. His ‘ship’ was part of him, like the novas he drifted through, passing planets and searching for the one star, where you are. Artemis was always out there.
And day broke over and over as the craft accelerated, starlight bursting from behind planet after planet. The symphony of the night played on.
Artemis flicked through the scanner settings until he got to the one that highlighted artificial elements. It clearly showed the giant craft leaving their chemical trails as they circled the planet, and the artificial installations that comprised sections of Saturn’s rings. He looked at the moons in order of importance; Mimas, with its one staring eye, and Iapetus the walnut with the black and white split and twelve mile high spine running down its back. And further out, Pheobe, orbiting the opposite way to the others and leaking out its massive red ring.
He sat back in his chair watching the high quality holo-screen of his RetroJet 9000. With the press of a button he lit up some Dayblooming Ganjoweed and let his consciousness bypass his mind to feel though the 3D images moving around in front of him. Without the temporary mathematical limitations of his mind, the brain, the water of his soul flowed around the rings and over the moons of the demonic tinker toy, drowning it deep in an ocean of understanding. For now Artemis still had to channel the torrents of infinite love that powered his Soul, through his (its) body to control the symbiotic horse/lens/PC that he interacted with this Universe in. It was from this higher place that he told his stead what to do next. From his perspective the broken Mirror Star was an intimidating sight but he’d studied it enough now to understand it was of no harm to him. And long draw of smoke after long draw, Artemis watched Saturn turn in the darkness like a clockwork orange.
Now he tuned the viewer to show the frequencies that comprised the stars. He pulled the perspective back a few notches to take in the other planets, setting the angle wide enough to take encompass the Sun. He could see waves of energy coming from the black holes and lighting up the gaps between the stars. Veins throbbing and pulsating photonic energy, lasers in the cosmos and firework emanations cascading through the Sun and hitting each planet with the notes of energy.
Originally a perfect arch of power, the sound of this solar system was way off. By the time the music of the spheres reached Saturn, there were several bum notes and the resonant energy hit the body with a dull twang. It was here, as the energy passed through the red ring of Phoebe, that it split in 2 and pulled the male and female frequencies into distinct focus. Artemis imagined the Earth’s moon, sitting in orbit around Saturn.
Hanging there waiting and inside anticipating, the tense horde of creatures, in robes, on the spaceship’s bridge. A selection of them, the super fish bros, and shady the reptile, and all their buddies, big and small and some in suits and some in energy tanks and robots, a selection of robots. Hey, no one else would work with them.
And down there standing in one of the artificial installations hiding in Saturn’s rings, Dr Fishbotnik pulled a lever, and with an awful calamity of sound the machinery implanted in the heart of Saturn came on at just the right moment to get the full refection off the satellite-dish-like rings, and focused millions of miles out by Phoebe’s red emanations. The Sun’s rays fractured and split and the note of Saturn went from its resonant beautiful harmonic to a grinding, metallic jangle, like the thrash of guitars.
As Dr Fishbotnik, a member of the technologically advanced Sirian race, yanked the lever, the hyper-dimensional physics of the star changed and the tetrahedron of energy shifted and altered and ripped and where once the note came through in one clear note it now became two. And as the pitch lowered and became stable, on the bridge of the Moon, behind the gaggle of aliens, out of the darkness faded in the orchestrates of this hijack, and puss and scales and wings and horns they gave the order to take off the Moon’s breaks.
Artemis imagined the new note from Saturn hitting the Moon and the satellite’s systems coming online to amplify the male signal and running on the female energy as it stripped it out of photonic reality and gobbled it all into its machines. The big round ship rode the energy coming from Saturn like a golf ball on a jet of water. The torrent split in 2 and the strands spiralling around each other. The aliens put their ‘hands’ in the air and cheered.
As the distorted energy came through the pilots, it fed them. They bathed in the twisted reality that was taking shape around them. People on Earth would write legends about this moment but few would understand them. Dubbing Saturn Chronos as it was one of the places where time was made. But chronology was a lie anyway, it always looped around and spiralled out, in the Schism, in the end. The aliens thought that this was forever and the grins on their faces, the glee at the destruction they were about to wreak on the Earth.
Dark ecstasy lit them up from inside, dead eyes and lizard tails. The deadly pulse coming up fast on the Earth, and the radiation from the Moon salinating the large bodies of water instantly. Salt water just wanted to get to the Moon and it burst out from the inner oceans, popping the planet like a beach ball and pulling bits in on the other side, leaving it permanently swollen by the moon’s presence. The water didn’t quite make it to the Moon, the waters crashed back down flooding everything and pulling the Earth around and about. 360 degrees warped. 360 day years extended. The trauma submerged continents, sent islands skittering through the seas, leaving the ancient sites broken and busted to become pieces of a puzzle for the residents to figure out. But this was just the beginning; the Moon would drive people to make it much, much worse.
How the mother fuckers cheered.
And now the birth of Jesus Christ. Which is just a metaphor for the nature of reality, the present moment, this whole deal we’re living through. Taken over and controlled as it is. By the dark overlords of our own psyches, represented in our collective reality by the Moon.
As the Moon came in on the planet Earth, the consciousness of the residents was pulled and cracked and split like that of Saturn’s state of being. The resonance ploughed into the planet right through its heart. Later they would build Stonehenge there like a hand cuff, and other sites that shackled and changed the energy using the lock that had been put on Saturn. And the split energy came out around the planet’s original note, and the arches of Saturn’s frequency snaked under the ground and along Earth’s lay lines like the twisting strands of DNA. And still the Sun’s rays made it to the ground, and tapped into the planet’s energy field. But there superimposed over the main field was the warped and eaten and twisted field of Saturn, used by the Moon, like the people would be.
The Source was there, decoded via consensus reality, but altered by Satanic Saturn as the virgin Moon gave birth to the son of the Old Sun; Saturn. They called it Jesus, Tammuz, Damu, the current reality now that the Moon was there, the state of being as Saturn, Satan warped the base code of the light – if you worship Jesus, you give praise to the way things are, at the point you are at. You need to heal Jesus. And the Sun became Baal the Bull, tempered and turned male by Saturn, jumped over and fought, impregnated by Ishtar, Lunar, Semiramis, the Moon, mother Mary, the Virgin; and Jesus Christ was born, the father and the son together, warped and pumped and pulsated through the dived minds of the newly reborn Earth.
The Covenant of aliens and their 4th dimension, high density masters knew how the Earth would be perverted and they got down to the planet as quickly as they could when the waters subsided, to divide the people into male and female and in this delusion blinded them to the reality that would be obvious to anyone of natural persuasion viewing the planet from orbit – the Earth had now been warped into a Male and Female binary system. The universal force had been split in 2 and set against each other. All the people would have to come together is there would ever be freedom on this planet. The schism came through Saturn to the Earth and it laughed.
Yowzer, yowzer, yowzer. The day had just begun and already lasers were nipping at his wings. And escaping from the web the RetroJet 9000 shot passed the Blue-boys and out faster than light and into the Supermassive black hole network. That’s a relief, thought Artemis kicking off his boots. He kept his boots on most the time and this was a sign of just how close he’d just come to getting his jets shot off by the VastHive agents and their overwhelming urges to fuck up his shit (bring tyranny and darkness to all life human and otherwise).
Luckily he found them as scary as a spider circling the drain. Poor thing. He after all only went in there, to their place, down in darkest deep space, and over the heads of the belittled and afraid slaves languishing in the oppressive continents of the VastHive, as on the other side of their territory, they had absolutely the best jungle of Dayblooming Ganjoweed. Another massive irony from the black hole and one more loop within the universe of time loops. If they caught you smoking weed in the VastHive they shot you dead.
Yowzer yowzer yowzer, out of the big loop one day. The Ship accelerated and he inhaled as he set the co-ordinates for his favourite station diner.
Out of the universe loop I’m going, he thought and accelerated, beyond the limits of time and out of place from anything that may want to hold him back.
He had a meeting to meet.
‘It’s a bad thing,’ she said and lent forward putting one blue hand on Artemis’ arm, ‘it’s a bad thing, we all know they want to continuously suck on human blood, all they want, is to suck,’ she nodded and a strand of long golden hair fell and bobbed on the top of her white Venuvian Milkshake, she calmly pulled it free and let it drip, ‘Arte, help us out.’
‘They have to do it more like,’ Artemis put his hand in the air catching the attention of the ‘guy’ behind the counter, who smiled and set about making Arte another cocktail of red liquid and greenery (Bloody Mary), ‘this is the time when things are changing, if they don’t get enough blood inside them they’ll melt to lizards right up there on the TV.’
‘Yes,’ her hair looked magically coiffured again, ‘but that just means they’re pushing their plans forward and a lot of people are going to get steamrollered if they don’t move out of the way, metaphorically.’
‘And sometimes literally,’ he put his finger tips together to form a triangle, ‘the pyramid is going, and of course, due to its nature, it’s going to eat itself out of existence. So those that don’t get out from it before it’s too late are going to get squashed by their masters.’
Denderil, the diner’s owner, put the drink down in front of Artemis. ‘Literally,’ he said, and nodded at the two of them. Artemis smiled without happiness and took a sip of the tomato juice. Excellent vintage. The blue girl sat back in her chair and looked to the star filled window. Her name was Marreah, and she was passing through from another universe, going from place to place to spread the positive energy of Love to all she found.
The day before, Artemis had received a call on his ship-com and was surprised when the extra-universal citizen asked him if she could hire his services. It really caught him off guard. He didn’t offer any services.
A week before he had seen an old friend and in a moment of unusual inebriation he’d got ‘on one’ about how he was a force of nature, he was unstoppable, a mathematical certainty made perfect by the fluidity of pure energy, he was filling in all natural imperfections, he was like Pi. Super Pi! The Magnum Pi!!
And then the phone rang all of a sudden when he’d just got out of bed and it was a girl from another universe asking to hire him as a P.I, and take a message for her to one of the slave planets.
Of course he said yes.
Artemis watched Marreah as she stared out of the window. Her eyes were way passed the energy field that kept out space, and beyond the stars and through the loop and the time lock and she was thinking of Earth. He knew it; it was what had bought her here.
And then she snapped her eyes back to him, wide, electric eyes. ‘I can hear her,’ she said, ‘my name’s sake. She has been trying for a long time now, with the others, it seemed like there was no way to reach the masses.’ Marreah bent her long fingers and looked at the nails, one or two had been nibbled, ‘but there is, it’s here and when we all connect together, what they’ve been saying will flood the entire world.’
‘What is it?’ Artemis asked as her eyes became troubled and she intensely focused on the taught tissue of her knuckles.
‘What’s what?’ she responded without looking up.
‘What’s going to set the Earth free?’ Artemis already knew.
‘Oh,’ and now she smiled, and whatever was just playing through her mind disappeared again, ‘the sound of truth,’ she said and beamed at him.
That was better and Artemis talked at length to her, she had some amazing stories, and about what he was to do and where he was to go. He was to travel down to the Earth, as arduous as that was, and awful and full of trouble, and all those things. And he was to go and deliver a message to a spiritual leader who she had a special connection with. Her name was Meria Heller, and Merreah had, for the last 17 years, listened intently to her radio show from another universe. She was one of her initial subscribers. And it was because of this that she had decided to become a free spirit and travel to anywhere and everywhere she was needed, offering dynamic help for a modern aeon.
And Merreah had nailed it this time. It took a special kind of energy to infiltrate a prison planet, well, with any positive intent. And she would know, because twenty years previously she had been trapped on one with her family, not knowing and merely existing like an animal living and dying in the hot Sun. A deep red sun in another universe and still the words of Meria Heller reached her and made her realise that it was She who had the power; it was alone her responsibility to take control of her own life, and, that this is just a frequency range, and that we are the tuners, and that of course – of course – you could tune yourself to anything you wanted. And the person who had helped her, Meria Heller, was going with the rest of them back down there on earth, through the eye of the storm, and if she could just get a message to her – maybe that would help – just a little, not that she really needed it – but help from a good source was always worth having. And Merreah just had to enlist a nut case with a space ship and no death wish. No problem. Now you’ll see that Artemis was absolutely the right ‘man’ for the job.
Time to toughen up and Artemis took a last long look at Saturn. He’d have to avoid its direct radiation when he got to Earth, but for now he could follow it like a slipstream and he focused his internal energy to bring the RetroJet’s shields up to full strength. He swung around the body of the star, zipping in and out of the many moons, and really close to the artificial ones, looking down for signs of life. There were none today at that speed, but as he flung the ship out towards Phoebe, and the small skull shaped moon turned towards him, and in the deep hollows of the skull’s crater eyes, two yellow lights came on, round yellow balls of luminance with a slit running up and down their centres. Phoebe watched him as he accelerated beyond full speed towards Earth.
Twirling around the DNA twisting energy to Earth desensitised Artemis, like when he’d been sitting by Saturn, its origin. Previously he had to spend two weeks orbiting the Sun, saturating himself with its base energy. This was the best way to prepare for the pressure of having to approach the Earth and enter its atmosphere. Then there was the small matter of staying sane while doing so. Not easy.
But where’s the fun in sane? And there it was, the first image, forcing itself into him as he merged with the energies. The Moon was there in the workings of a great cuckoo clock, and the people of the Earth rotated around a huge Sun. At each hour on the clock, a new door would open and in it was a potential, a possibility and a shade of existence, green and pure, black and corrupted, and the crazy, psychedelic transitory phases, entities flitting and diving around the doors to buzz the little wooden people that shuddered mechanically forward to strike the hour. And sometimes the people ran and danced out when the doors opened to a cool forest exterior. And the Moon was rolled back and forth across the Universe as the clock turned, pushed by the feet of Lizardpeople, walking on their hands like great big dung beetles. Tick, tock, and as it hit noon the cuckoo, that was a Pheonix, that became a twister, whirled from behind the workings, a vortex with evil eyes, playing the planets with huge plasma space-ships like xylophone notes. It struck the hour to the sound of the rip in the nature of reality that created visible light, and the demon computers poured out from the tear, through the spirals of the schism, through the modified stars and into the moons.
And closer to Earth, the Reptilian, standing on a huge eyeball floating on an undulating ocean of knowledge and understand, and unable to stand still, running and wobbling and staggering and holding an upturned ziggurat by its flat top. And all humanity and all the animals and all Gaia’s family, balanced on the upturned base and almost over spilling, and the lizardman trying so hard to jerk the pyramid around and stop it falling over, but with every sudden jolt a whole host of people flew off in every direction. Arching and spiralling and entering the sea of knowledge with the grace and perfection of Olympic divers.
Close enough to see the continents, each one was a part of the body, and it was hard to stay conscious of the outer realms of existence now as the distortion was strong and Artemis had to focus to not let the energy too much into him. But it looked like, Britain was the Dark heart, overrun with tentacles, and the United States was the hands, also corrupted with lack of knowledge, and reaching out to pound other countries, and Africa, the strong feet but again corrupted and cracked and running but getting nowhere, and Asia, fractured into a thousand characters but still acting as one, the brain, chained and repressed like the sacred feminine and all nations. And the continents were changing to different body parts as the days moved very fast over them.
But where Artemis came he bought with him the energy of beyond the Universe and he could see the same energy bubbling up all over the Earth, in pools sometimes, not as heavily in the cities, but there were many truly radiant dots there, and many, many speckles of unconnected pure consciousness tuning into the sun and beyond and millions ready to flow together at the right resonance. Which was coming.
There it is, thought Artemis and set the guidance system for a very bright spark near Phoenix, Arizona.
This was the tricky bit. Artemis grit his teeth and pulled his top lip back, he bought the bottom of the ship down parallel to the Moon, he was way beyond the holo-screen now, it was hard to ‘see’ anything passed the visions of his inner mind, below him the Lunar surface was undulating energy, a vortex, a whirlpool, a gate and twisting and sucking the energy of reality, he was glad he didn’t have to land there that day. And instead surfed the vortex and used it to power him towards the Earth. He could see the energy connecting to Stonehenge through a shifting hazy web of chemical-trails latticed almost the entire planet in atmospheric metals, intensifying and radiating the distorting waves of mal-intention coming from various facilities. The gap between what the people thought was going on and what was really going on was exacerbated by Pine Gap in Australia, and its twin facilities at Menwith Hill England and the Negev Facility, Israeli. They went down miles into the ground at key points and formed a trident of energy that connected the 3 and surged into the Earth, linking the sites energetically and connecting to the Moon. He’d definitely not fly though the vortex where those 4 energy connections linked to form a null spot of negative energy – Artemis could, but why push it? This would be hard enough.
The upper atmosphere fizzed against the hull of the RetroJet 9000. He opened his eyes a little and the holo-screen was showing the Earth’s TV stations, but set to show the energetic makeup of the broadcast. He had the picture filter dialled to ironic, and so the shows and news and presenters came out as cardboard cut-outs on a paper theatre stage. Deeply demonic entities and energies played all over the sets and leaked from the puppets’ eyes. And blood reds and blacks and devil hands pulled them back and forth across the screen. The presenters and actors were Monarch mind slaves mainly and their programmers, surrounded by corrupted and cul-de-saced useful idiots from the mainstream media. Sic.
Now for the fun bit. Transcendental experiences came to an abrupt halt as he hit ‘the wall’ and the ship practically stopped dead. And many lives had Artemis lived, in this space between where he was and where he was going, as all the functions of the body-mind kicked on strong and the base chakras were activated by the intense Electromagnetic energies surrounding the Earth. And a thousand times at this time he had lost connection to his physical form and found himself six months later, married to a waffle waitress driving a truck up interstate 66, and other times, he’d come around and realised who he was sitting cross-legged half way up a mountain with a frost mustachio and some bizarre notion that there was any point whatsoever to what he was doing at this greater moment. Artemis was after all, the Infinite, like everyone else.
But it all seemed so real at the time, and the worst time, the time that had him waking drenched in sweat reaching for the nearest star to light his way. When he realised he was infinite consciousness dancing in a support role for the cast of Saturday Night Fever. He was hit on and revolted by Travolta, shook his body and the bellbottoms like there was no tomorrow. And he made love with the best of them. But in the end he had to get back to business, because dance as they might, you could not distract the people always with rainbow colours from the terror growing outside.
You can tell by the way the buildings fell 911’s a lie. Ask Judy Wood. You know you should.
Neo-cons are shaking. The world has started waking. 9/11’s a lie. 9/11 is a lie.
The body computer was beginning to be accessed strongly enough via the Moon’s hive mind to start moving on its own. I.T was going to put the ship down somewhere and walk into a bar a get drunk. Forty five minutes from now ‘Artemis’ would be on the dance floor. Oh yeah. (That wasn’t his thought.)
Artemis forced his eyes open, he realised he was drifting off again, and didn’t have time to live any more lives in this Matrix he was infiltrating. Fun as it sometimes was. He reached forward and walked his fingers down the control panel of the ship. Even doing that was an effort, he felt so stupid, so aroused, he just wanted to, to, no, no no, he pressed the button by his finger and the emergency compartment popped open. And in one fluid motion he whipped out the ready-filled pipe, put it to his mouth and pressed auto-light. And the Dayblooming Ganjoweed coursed through his body and pushed back the radiation enough for him to clear his head. He clicked off the holo-screen and blinked, realising he had been starting to go cross-eyed. He accessed one of the onboard computers. Artemis quickly pulled up , this is what would guide him in, and he scanned the airwaves. Luckily, at that precise moment, Meria was recording a new show and he was able to listen in to a direct transmission from her Mac.
That’s it, Artemis thought and Meria Heller’s words broadcast loud and true throughout the cockpit, drowning out all trace of the spatial distortion that was trying to drown him.
‘Good morning world,’ she said, ‘Meria here. Alive and Kickin’! I’ve been hearing a lot of people saying they can’t take it any more, and that the pressure is just overwhelming them. But I woke up this morning and I could feel the connection to every good heart on this planet, and it was such a strong sensation it made me have to catch my breath for a second.’
In Artemis’ chest his heart had been beating too fast, he’d been having trouble breathing in the face of the energy around the Earth.
‘But if you just face it all and breath normally,’ Meria continued, ‘let it all go though you, without obsessing, the picture becomes a lot clearer, and all of a sudden you realise that there are so many great souls here, all at once in the face the obstacles we think stand in front of us. Where and When ever would you get the opportunity to stand shoulder to shoulder with such amazing energies.’
Artemis put his feet squarely back on the peddles, he put the pipe carefully back in its compartment still half full, it’s always half full, and he took hold of the guidance system once more. The ship stuttered and held and bobbed on the edge of the radiation and then in a slow, graceful spiral up and back down, flew beautifully in through the ionosphere.
‘These feelings are just one sign of the gathering forces of the universe beyond our perception, the great and good are joining up spiritually. I know in my heart it’s the truth. It’s the perfect time to realise there is only one person that can take the action necessary to make sure you have a positive future, and that person is you. You all have it in you. So let that cheer you up this sunny July morning, and let’s get away from all this negative atmosFEAR!’
Further, forward and farther along and faster, forever. The RetroJet 9000 crested over the North American continent and Artemis let go of all his feelings and the notions of his body, he was infinite consciousness and nothing could stop him. He stopped decoding the ‘fact’ that these things could affect him and let the digital information of his physical form swim through the electromagnetic waves like an electric fish. He exhaled calmly, and rode the wind. Free.
A tear rolled down Artemis’ cheek, he grinned, the craft plummeted towards Phoenix, and he was going so fast he didn’t even bother to engage the cloaking system. He’d just put this thing down on a dime behind a tree or something. The message wouldn’t take long to impart. He opened the shutters a little and looked for a good wooded spot to park.
And yes! A place, but argh! Too late he saw a building. Quite a big thick building. He just hadn’t decoded it a second ago, he was thrown slightly off by one of Earth’s Matrix glitches, but now it was there. It was right there now.
Artemis threw the ship into a spiral, and the RetroJet careened narrowly passed the building, but gathering speed, and heading right for where Meria lived. With a last flick of the jets Artemis managed to head the craft into the centre of the roadway nearby. And with an almost imperceptible ‘ping’, the RetroJet 9000 ricocheted back up faster than ever, faster than Artemis wanted and right back into space.
Well, thought Artemis, that went better than last time. He pressed the emergency button again and steered the craft way away from that solar system. Should’ve smoked more. But he wasn’t worried about the message. He was connected to the same energy as Meria Heller, and as he’d hit the ground on Earth, deep down in his heart he was absolutely sure, she already knew.
* * *
Day broke through the water of the atmosphere. It refracted the light of the many Suns and made shifting rainbows of the shadows from the sea-life. In pockets of air under the seas were beaches that gave way to forests and cities and mountains. A group of people of different coloured skin but all with the same long golden hair, rode horses down one of the beaches towards the tranquillity of a nearby wood.
The lead horse stopped to wait on the edge of the trees for the rest of the riders to catch up. The silver horse kicked its feet at the ground, impatient to get home, but Merreah put a strong hand on its neck to calm it and gazed up through the watery skies and thought of the Earth.
And instantly, washing waves of energy came through her heart. She saw Artemis in her mind’s eye, grinning and smoke billowing around him, a successful trip to Earth, and Meria Heller’s words came into her from beyond her universe, and the golden thoughts spun with her golden hair and the light inside her. She new all was as it should be.
The other riders cantered up to her, ‘are you ready to go Merreah?’ one asked.
‘I’m always ready,’ said Merreah.